Supplies Wish List
The Seminole High School Band needs your help. It takes a lot to keep the band running, and any help you can provide would go a long way.
- Copy paper
- Cases of water
- Black Expo markers
- Composition notebooks (NOT spiral)
- Clipboards
- Small white envolopes
- Large 6 x 9 envelopes for student music
- Band aids
- Yellow sticky notes
- Paperclips
- Balnk writable CD’s
- 9 volt batteries
- AAA batteries
- AA batteries
- D batteries
- Black dry-erase markers
- Blank DVDs (Plus)
- Ball point pens
- Pencils
- Boxes of tissue
- Scissors
- Scotch tape
- Masking tape
- Manilla folders
- Stapler
- Solid air fresheners for Uniform Storage room
- Wood hangers or plastic coat hangers for uniforms
- Calf-length dress black socks for marching season
- 5 CD storage cases that hold 100 CDs each (folder type with zipper)
- Label maker with extra tape
- Jewel cases
- Money
- Gift certificates in $15-$20 to music supply stores (e.g. Music & Arts) or bookstores as awards for students
- Gift certificates for band-office use to Office Depot or Office Max
- Air dusters for computers
- Dustbuster or stick vacuum for quick cleanups in band room
- Clear containers for storage (9×12 type and larger)
- Box of reeds for alto sax