Band Leadership Videos
Congratulations students on being selected leaders in your program. Your band directors are going to possibly need you more than ever. These videos were created to help student leaders perform their jobs. Use these videos to inspire your creativity in solving problems. Sometimes I think the best leaders are not the ones that are telling people what to do, but observing and figuring out ways to get things done. Remember your band director(s) is going to be your best resource. Make sure you are communicating ideas to them. You probably want to start with the keynote presentation video entitled. “I’ve been selected as a leader, now what?”. Then go to…
2022/2023 Band Leadership
Leadership for the 2022-2023 season
2021 Halftime Show (James Bond)
2021/2022 Band Leadership
Leadership for the 2021-2022 season
Welcome to our Website!!!
Chehuntamo (pronounced chee-hun-tah-moh) means “hello” in the Miccosukee language. Chehuntamo Everyone, Welcome to the Seminole High School Band website. Whether you are new to our program, a current member, part of the alumni, a parent or guardian, or just a band fan, we want you to feel like family. We hope this website becomes a place you will come back to again and again to find the latest news, upcoming events, and of course, our fabulous Seminole performances and pictures! Click under the Calendar Section to see the most revised Band Calendar for the school year. Registration Form and Band Fees are Due!!! Students please go under the registration tab…
2020/2021 Band Leadership
Leadership for the 2020-2021 season